Read about Marliese Richmond's artistic journey in her blog: the projects she is working on, printmaking tips and experiments, and connecting with others through creativity.


Otters in my Art

Otters in my Art

Here in Scotland, we are extremely lucky to have a healthy population of otters.  Even here in Perth you can see otters swimming in the river in the middle of...

Otters in my Art

Here in Scotland, we are extremely lucky to have a healthy population of otters.  Even here in Perth you can see otters swimming in the river in the middle of...

Giant Otters

Giant Otters

As regular readers of my blog posts will know, I've not done any art for weeks and weeks.  I've been recovering from a terrible outbreak of eczema.  Finally, it feels...

Giant Otters

As regular readers of my blog posts will know, I've not done any art for weeks and weeks.  I've been recovering from a terrible outbreak of eczema.  Finally, it feels...



Last week, I wrote about how I'd found it impossible to do any art recently as I was - and still  am - recovering from a terrible outbreak of eczema. ...


Last week, I wrote about how I'd found it impossible to do any art recently as I was - and still  am - recovering from a terrible outbreak of eczema. ...

What happens when you can't do art?

What happens when you can't do art?

Every day I do something artistic - whether it is part of a large-scale project, such as a multi-coloured print; or just a simple drawing.  If I'm not in the...

What happens when you can't do art?

Every day I do something artistic - whether it is part of a large-scale project, such as a multi-coloured print; or just a simple drawing.  If I'm not in the...

Mental Health portrayed through Art

Mental Health portrayed through Art

Tomorrow - Monday, September 10th -  is Suicide Prevention Day.  My day job is working as the Suicide Prevention Co-ordinator for Perth and Kinross, part of my overall duties as...

Mental Health portrayed through Art

Tomorrow - Monday, September 10th -  is Suicide Prevention Day.  My day job is working as the Suicide Prevention Co-ordinator for Perth and Kinross, part of my overall duties as...

How to Deal with a Creative Slump

How to Deal with a Creative Slump

Lots of artists experience a creative slump from time to time. This is how I deal with a creative slump - you may find one of these four ideas helpful...

How to Deal with a Creative Slump

Lots of artists experience a creative slump from time to time. This is how I deal with a creative slump - you may find one of these four ideas helpful...