Inspirational Ideas

Integrating Design and Art into our Lives - Transferring my prints into designs and then integrating them into our lifestyle transforms our everyday experiences as a family.  We spend a lot of time inside our home  - especially during the winter, when it is very dark and cold in Scotland.  It is important for our wellbeing that our indoors environment is colourful and welcoming. It is this which has driven me to adapt my artwork into fabrics and wallpaper. My family can be surrounded by vibrant designs, incorporating themes which we love. 


Upcycled Furniture


Upcyling - Without a doubt, one of my passions is to upcycle furniture.  It delights me to take an old tired piece of furniture, and make it look sensational!  Using some simple decoupage, this cupboard we got for free from a friend was transformed.  It has a beautiful curved front and a shaped panel on the door, which is emphasised by a piece of my bumblebee design in wallpaper cut to size.  The yellow handle matches the bees perfectly.  A chair we were given for free has been recovered with my large scale daisy design, which looks fantastic in velvet.  This fabric suits the old colonial style of the arms but brings a colourful, modern edge.


Fabric as art


Fabric as Art - In some cases, I preserve the original image of my artwork in the fabric, as I want to make it into a piece of art in itself.  My flamingo fabric panel is a perfect example.  I created a linocut of 3 flamingos - and preserved these in their entirety when transferring them into a fabric panel, simply adding a reed background.  They look stunning in satin, as the colours really pop.  I sewed them as a cushion, using pink piping to reflect the flamingos' plumage.  I adapted my linocut of Canadian Geese into a large scale fabric as well.  The lampshade I made from it is a real centrepiece.   

  Utility items made out of Three Bears Prints fabric


Utility Items - I love to use my designs to sew into utility items. The task of ironing a pile of washing is made slightly more bearable when using my ironing board which is covered by my poppies. This clothes peg bag brings a smile to my face as I hang the washing. This duckling nappy mat was easy to stuff in a bag when on the go when my daughter was a baby.

Why not use some of my fabrics to bring colour into your home?!