
Max the Terrier Sketchbook

Max the Terrier Sketchbook

Last week, I discussed how I've recorded my experiences throughout my life as artwork.  This week, I'm going to share with you the comic book I created of our dog, Max,...

Max the Terrier Sketchbook

Last week, I discussed how I've recorded my experiences throughout my life as artwork.  This week, I'm going to share with you the comic book I created of our dog, Max,...

Recording your Life through Art

Recording your Life through Art

The value of visually recording your experiences Throughout my life, I've recorded my experiences by maintaining a sketchbook or creating works of art at that time. It's such a powerful,...

Recording your Life through Art

The value of visually recording your experiences Throughout my life, I've recorded my experiences by maintaining a sketchbook or creating works of art at that time. It's such a powerful,...

Encourage creativity in children

Encourage creativity in children

Children are naturally wonderfully creative, moving with ease between imaginative play, drawing, inventing songs or making music. As a mother of a 5 year old child and an art tutor...

Encourage creativity in children

Children are naturally wonderfully creative, moving with ease between imaginative play, drawing, inventing songs or making music. As a mother of a 5 year old child and an art tutor...

Inspiration and Creativity on Holiday

Inspiration and Creativity on Holiday

If you are reading this blog post round about the time that I have published it, I will be on holiday in Croatia. I thought it would be appropriate to...

Inspiration and Creativity on Holiday

If you are reading this blog post round about the time that I have published it, I will be on holiday in Croatia. I thought it would be appropriate to...

Exercising Outdoors and Creativity

Exercising Outdoors and Creativity

In this blog post, I'm going to discuss how my art is directly connected to, and improved by, taking part in exercise. As Henry Thoreau said "me thinks that the...

Exercising Outdoors and Creativity

In this blog post, I'm going to discuss how my art is directly connected to, and improved by, taking part in exercise. As Henry Thoreau said "me thinks that the...

Creativity Saves You Money

Creativity Saves You Money

Creativity can save you money in many different ways - not only by occupying your time, but also by meeting your intrinsic needs.  This blog post below details my thoughts...

Creativity Saves You Money

Creativity can save you money in many different ways - not only by occupying your time, but also by meeting your intrinsic needs.  This blog post below details my thoughts...